Hungarian version of the film. For English version, scroll down.
A kisfilm a HELICON LIFE+ Parlagi sas védelmi projektjének megbízásából készült. Megismerhetjük Falco-t, a méreg-és tetemkeresésre kiképzett kutyát. A képzés célja a ragadozómadár-mérgezések felderítése és megszüntetése Magyarországon. További filmek itt: További információk itt:
„It was in 2006 that we became aware of imperial eagles falling victim to poisoning in Hungary, followed by an increasing number of specimens found during intensive field surveys. Various foreign examples have also proven that the birds we have found were only the tip of the iceberg and there might be a larger number of poisoned birds. We thought we could start using some other methods apart from trying to keep rangers in the area at all times, so we have come up with various alternative methods. One of these is monitoring the birds using a satellite, a great method because, depending on the type of the transmitter, the birds’ coordinates are given at 1-minute, 30-minute or 60-minute intervals, so if anything happens to any of them, we can intervene fairly soon. Also, there have been several cases when the source of poisoning has been discovered. Another method used in many parts of Southern Europe such as Spain or Italy is dog tracking. Although it hasn’t been applied in this region yet, we think it’s definitely worth giving a try. It might be one of the most interesting components of this project, with the highest hopes. We want to train dogs to be sensitive to the most widely used toxic materials as well as to carcasses so they can discover them even from a greater distance.” (Márton Horváth, project coordinator) More films here: More information at:
„A @[140971152752268:274:Helicon LIFE – A sasbarát Magyarországért] rövidfilmek készítésének jelenetképei. További infók:
Fotók: Deák Gábor, Kiss Ágnes
The making of Four Legged Experts, a short documentary created for the Helicon EU Life project. More info at:
Photos by: Gábor Deák, Ágnes Kiss”
From Falco, a méregkereső / Making of the 4 legged expert, posted by / on 11/04/2014 (14 items)
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