Date of publication: 10 December 2021 Society conducts procurement procedure for designing a superstructure for the exhibition „Floating awareness raising exhibition” as part of the project Tid(y)Up WP T2 Output T2.3. supported by Interreg Danube Transnational Program.
Download the announcement
FLEX_felépítmény_I_ melléklet_Földszint_Alaprajz.pdf
FLEX_felépítmény_I_ melléklet_Tetőterasz_Alaprajz.pdf
THU_FLEXfelepitmeny_I_melleklet_Jobb oldalnézet.png
FLEX_felépítmény_I_ melléklet_Emelet_Alaprajz.pdf
THU_FLEXfelepitmeny_I_melleklet_Bal oldalnézet.png
Date of publication: 15 December 2021 Society (THU) received an offer for inspection of a floating establishment that may support the superstructure of the exhibition named „Floating awareness raising exhibition” as part of the project Tid(y)Up WP T2 Output T2.3. supported by Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. The inspection is possible on 17 December 2021 between 10-12 h by the ferry crossing of Sárazsadány.
Due to the offer for inspection, the deadline for submission changes as follows:
Closing date for submission of tenders is 20 December 2021 16:00 h. Candidates can submit their tender electronically, personally or by post for the address: Society
2040 Budaörs, Gólya u. 5. 2/2.
Clarifying questions can be sent to the email address [email protected] until 17 December 2021 16:00 h. The contracting authority will send the questions and answers to all the invitees electronically.